Ranking Mind Set Vs Excellence Mind Set

Ranking Mind Set Vs Excellence Mind Set

I don’t remember how or where I head about this book, Performing Under Pressure. It’s not the kind of book I typically am drawn to (give me a de-cluttering book any day!), but there were a few sections that resonated with me so much that I photocopied them...
Wishtree: A Tree with a Story to Tell

Wishtree: A Tree with a Story to Tell

“It’s hard to talk to trees. We’re not big on chit chat. That’s not to say we can’t do amazing things, things you’ll probably never do. Cradle downy owlets. Steady flimsy tree forts. Photosynthesize. But talk to people? Not so much.” With that opening, who wouldn’t...

Amy Stewart Adds Bling

I am a huge fan of Amy Stewarts Kopp sisters series (Girl Waits With A Gun, etc). If you don’t know them, I urge you to check them out. So Amy is one of the few writers I folow on Goodreads. Recently she added this editing tip that I just love! It’s about...