Welcome to my Writing Page!
I didn’t grow up knowing I would be a writer, but I did grow up being a reader. I was a quiet, rule-following kid, but I used to get in trouble for rushing through my school assignments so I could get back to my book. Such a rebel!!
Features are articles I have written over the years. Feel free to browse!
Profiles are the kind of writing I like best. Check out these cool people I got to meet and chat with! Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. It makes for great reading!
Thinking About Consumers
Meaningful policy needs to factor in psychological hurdles BioEnergy Connection July 2012 The reasons to reduce oil consumption, from climate change and national security, have existed for 30 years....
The Tooth Failure
The tooth fairy is magical. The tooth fairy is eternal.
Early Morning Dancing Gets the Weekend off on the “Right Foot”
While some kids spend Saturday mornings with Pokeman, Bert and Ernie, or Batman and Robin, our family often spends them with Bonnie Raitt, Neil Young, and Sting.
The Perfect Fit
First appeared in WILL Radio: Sidetrack in August It’s funny the kinds of things you take for granted when you have two legs. Like wearing high heels. Plenty of women complain about wearing them, but you can be sure most have at least a couple pairs in their closet. My 15-year-old daughter, on the other […]
More Than One Way to Live a Life
A big sister takes 30 years to appreciate the kindness, intelligence and true nature of her littlest (or should I say youngest) sibling.
Catching Tigers
Bringing the Creative into Writing Instruction NCTE Council Chronicle March 2012 What are your options if you feel that your writing instruction is not engaging students at a deep enough level?...
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