Welcome to my Writing Page!

I didn’t grow up knowing I would be a writer, but I did grow up being a reader. I was a quiet, rule-following kid, but I used to get in trouble for rushing through my school assignments so I could get back to my book. Such a rebel!!

Features are articles I have written over the years. Feel free to browse!

Profiles are the kind of writing I like best. Check out these cool people I got to meet and chat with! Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. It makes for great reading!

Regenerative Biology

Helping The Body To Heal Biomarker December 2009 Regenerative medicine in the 1990s promised simple and dramatic cures, but these cures remain the stuff of fiction. Over the last 15 years...

Education for Every Generation

Education for Every Generation

IGB + OLLI = Great Fun, By Golly! Biomarker December 2009 IGB faculty members are not only advancing life sciences research and stimulating bio-economic development in the state of Illinois, they...

Collaboration Imagination

Collaboration Imagination

University gains recognition for its public service innovations Illinois Alumni August 2009 A high school boy teaching computer skills in Africa. An inner city administrator fulfilling her vision of...

Promises to Keep

Promises to Keep

A special group of students will graduate this May, many the first in their families to do so. This is the story behind how the University helped get them there. Illinois Alumni April 2009 Lhea...

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